Feminist Intersections

Gina Longo: Citizenship, Family, Gender, and Digital Spaces


Dr. Gina Marie Longo is a feminist digital sociologist who studies how everyday people construct their understandings of citizenship, family, and nation in digital spaces. She received her doctorate from the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and is currently an assistant professor in the Sociology Department at Virginia Commonwealth University. Dr. Longo is a co-founder of the Digital Sociology Lab, which provides skill-based training to students and faculty through workshops and hands-on research experience. She has been featured in Sage Publication’s Gender & Society Podcast, ABCNews.com, MEL Magazine, and the London School of Economics US Centre blog. Her work has received awards for outstanding scholarship from ASA’s International Migration Section, the Eastern Sociological Association, and the University of Wisconsin’s interdisciplinary Research Center on Gender and Women.

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